Episode #220

An Experimental Radio Show & Podcast
The Parish News

Episode #220

This show was recorded around 3am on a Wednesday morning – Kathryn slept soundly in a room down the corridor. I hope you enjoy this Episode.


Featuring –
( Artist / Album / Track )

Chris Abrahams / Appearance / As A Vehicle, The Dream (excerpt)
Philip Cohran & The Artistic Heritage Ensemble / The Zulu 45s Collection / Frankiphone Blues
Meitei / Kofū / Suki
Joana Gama I Luís Fernandes / At The Still Point Of The Turning World / Shaft Of Sunlight
µ-Ziq / Challenge Me Foolish / Bassbins
David Stackenäs & Klaus Ellerhusen / Dayton’s Bluff / Dayton’s Bluff
Yumah / Follow The Road / Skyline
Frode Gjerstad Trio+1 / Forgotten City / Dead Trees In The Park
Hep!Collective / KITCHEN / A Side – No plumage-Make it rain Ray Lew, make it rain
Graeme Miller & Steve Shill / The Moomins / The Moomins Theme
Michael Peters / Paris Spring Loops / 20170406 @ Anis Gras
Zoë McPherson / String Figures / Hardingfele (release)
Võ Tuấn Minh / War is a Wound, Peace is a Scar / I Long to Return to My Hometown [Quê Mẹ]
Alexandra Spence / Waking, She Heard The Fluttering / Waking She Heard The Fluttering
Kedr Livanskiy / Your Need / Lugovoy (November Dub)
The Ex / 27 Passports / Soon All Cities
The Shakespears / Wobbly Sounds: A Collection of British Flexi Discs / The Phillips 303
Ishome / ???? / Grade
Metamatics / ???? / Giant Sunflowers Swaying In The Wind

Andrew Backhouse is a Sound Artist, Photographer & Poet – you can see his portfolio HERE .

Recorded in my spare room in Harrogate, North Yorkshire and trying the best I might.

Photo by Aaron Burden.

 Keep Me In Music

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