From Lawyers to Publicists: 5 Team Members Every Artist Needs

Ever wondered what it takes to build a successful music career? In this engaging episode where we unpack the importance of team building in the music industry. We take a deep look at five crucial members you need in your team - the lawyer, manager, booking agent, publicist, and the social media manager. Listen in to learn from our insightful discussion with Sheridan's, a top UK entertainment law firm, and find out how a lawyer can do more than just offer legal advice. They can be your key to unlocking valuable industry connections. Madd explores the roles of a manager and booking agent in giving wings to your music career. Discover the countless ways a manager, apart from handling administrative tasks, can help you break into the industry. We also discuss how a booking agent can be instrumental in securing live events. Tune in to hear an inspiring story about a band that captured the attention of Billie Eilish's booking agent after being featured on a UK TV show. We wrap up the episode with some real talk on the challenges of radio promotion and suggest alternative strategies such as effective use of social media ads and content creation. Craft the perfect team for your music journey with us.

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