RC 371: Don’t Truss it / Kings & Queens

Aka a Tale of Two Lizzes…. one Liz leaves as another arrives as I go away for a month and we get not only a new Prime Minister Liz Truss but a new monarch ? So of course I have to start with God Save The Queen – Sex Pistols not Elgar – they cancelled the Last Night of the Proms anyway – and even the weather stops for the Queen dying! So here’s a punky drum and bass party/wake/barricade rave…. Trust and Obey, it’s the only way…

Treasonous tunes, christian songs, UK disco, jungle, Iranian synth ballads, french touch, spicy remixes, indie cover songs and mournful mashups, regal chiptunes, metal psych bootlegs, a focus on Your Woman by White Town which is 25 years old this year, and a tribute to Olivia Newton John.

(Just don’t mention Prince Andrew being a dirty old man….or the descent into fascism, that’s apparently a Prevent-triggering thing now, to criticise your own country… :-/)

P.S. You might see something odd about the main central image in the cover….it’s AI generator NightCafe’s idea of a mashup of Liz Truss and the Queen, it’s frankly horrifying . Also the other Liz Truss image was also AI generated. You can tell as she looks far too lifelike here, a reverse Uncanny Vallet, more human less like the Tory Deep Dream bot she is. I’m guessing they’ll fix that in V2. 
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