Round like a circle in a spiral…apple Whirling

Like a wheel within a wheel Never ending nor beginning On an ever spinning reel.

Crumplstock 8 surprise set! Download here – this won’t be on the Radio Clash feed for legal reasons, as it contains tracks by U-No-Who *, and given the next news, it’s wise…

The Screaming Thing Muppet Show – The Windmills Of Your Mind Peter Nero – Windmills Of Your Mind Max Q – Windmills Of Your Mind Al Caiola – The Windmills of Your Mind Stefano Pagni – Windmills Of Your Mind Waldo De Los Rios – Windmills Of Your Mind (From Thomas Crown Affair) Kingston Kitchen – The Windmills of Your Mind Hank Marvin – The Windmills Of Your Mind Kim Weston – Windmills of Your Mind Orange Factory – The Windmills of Your Mind Jeremy Taylor – Windmills Electronic Concept Orchestra – The Windmills of Your Mind Anita Kerr Singers – The Windmills of Your Mind Hayman – Sear – The Windmills of Your Mind Sybil Shocolee – The Windmills Of Your Mind Kiki & Herb – The Windmills Of My Mind live Peturas – Windmills Of Your Mind Sally Anne Marsh – Windmills Of Your Mind – Milki Bar Mix

And the world is like an Apple Whirling silently in space

And it seems that Radio Clash has been removed from the iTunes store, I got an email earlier, and so ends 14 years of podcasting via Apple iTunes/Music. I think that’s RIAA/U-know-perversal but who knows.

I’ve asked Apple for details but I suspect like Spotify they’ll stay schtum. This cabal of media companies knows that information means power in the copyfight….and the record industry is corrupt as fuck, don’t join a label, kids! They waste your hard-earned money attacking not-for-profit podcasters giving them free promotion….amongst other many, many wasteful things. And during a pandemic too – so rather than fight to support artists and venues that are disappearing left, right and centre, they’d rather beat up the DJ.

The grim irony is there won’t be a music industry left shortly at this rate.

Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel, feels like the sharks are cycling around the floating exposed corpse of Radio Clash?

Depressed. This was supposed to be a pre-show teaser for 334 which I have half recorded. Not sure if I want to finish it, or what the future of Radio Clash entails….maybe Mixcloud only? Hardly anyone listens there though.

When you knew that it was over Were you suddenly aware That the autumn leaves were turning To the colour of his hair ….

* well not actually BY them. Created by an old 50’s or 60’s label that was bought up by someone else, then someone else bought that, then they bought the lot like a large fucking garage sale, sucking all the content into their greedy, greasy little thieving paws. Not understanding anything about what they have, the price of everything and the value of nothing. Can you tell I’m pissed off?

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