James Hull (Apologies, I Have None)

In episode 5 Chris, Darren, and Quinn are joined by  James Hull , guitarist in  Leagues Apart  and bassist in  Apologies, I Have None .
The gang discuss the upcoming tours from  NOFX ,  Jeff Rosenstock and Great Cynics , and  Chelsea , as well as the  Petrol Girls EP Launch  and the news that  Owl Sanctuary  in Norwich has found a new venue.
New releases from  Catch Fire  ( The Distance I Am from You ) and  Basement  ( Promise Everything)  are reviewed.
James talks about playing in Leagues Apart and Apologies, I Have None and juggling playing music and working full time.
Off the back of  Beach Slang's  disappointing show at the Camden Barfly, the guys discuss what bands owe their audiences.  Do you deserve the show you want or the show the band choices to perform?
And finally ' Is Youtube killing the UK's live music scene? '.  Quinn tears apart the recent article from the BBC which questions whether Youtube stars shooting to fame and jumping straight to arena shows is the cause for small capacity venues closing across the UK.  Everyone has a chat about the state of live music in general and how difficult it can be to make from from playing music live, with reference to The Guardian's recent article with  Slow Club   'Long, hard road to rock 'n' roll success: "we're essentially skint"'

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